
 Curve Transitions

In the Inovista Animator, images can be moved via a semi-circle or a wave motion. The height of the wave(amplitude) and number of waves(frequency) in the motion can be initialized and reset at runtime as a variable if required. The motions are all based on sine waves.

See Working Examples.

The Movement Options
There are 2 aspects to a circle or wave motion. The first is to define where the image will be moved to. The end location is defined by the movement section. All the movement options are available and more detail can be found on the Movement page.
Movement Section

On Image Editing
The  element can be dragged to the end point on the displayed image. Click on the 'Display on Image to Edit' button to place an editable copy on the image. Note that for curves, only movements are available for edit and not scale and rotation. See On Image Editing for more information.


The Curve Options
The 'Curve' section contains three options for defining the curve or wave.
Select 'Wave', 'Positive Curve' or 'Negative Curve' using the 'Type' dropdown.

Enter the height or amplitude of the curve or wave in pixels in the  'Wave Ht'  field.  A variable value may also be entered here.

The 'Num Waves' field defines the number of complete waves a wave transform will undergo (This is ignored for the curve option). A variable may also be entered here.

Curve/Wave Section

The images below all contain working examples of some of the points just mentioned. Please note that each image must have a different SVG ID to ensure that there is no confusion about which effects apply to any given image.
Simple Semi-Circle

This example shows a circle moving through a semi-circle. There are 2 chained transitions. The first simply moves the circle to the left side of the background and the second moves the circle to 90% of the x range with a curve height of -45.

In the Curve Transaction section of the Animator,the settings are as follows:

Basic Wave

This example shows a balloon image moving across the background using a basic wave motion. The first of 2 chained transitions locates the balloon to the left of the background and the second uses a wave motion of height 25px and a single wave to the right hand side of the background.

In the Curve Transaction section of the Animator,the settings are as follows:

Semi-Circle Variable Wave Ht

This example works in exactly the same way as in the example immediately above but uses a variable to change the wave height.

In the Curve Transaction section of the Animator,the settings are as follows:

Wave with Variable Height and Frequency

This example has transitions for the image itself in the background and works in exactly the same way as in the example immediately above but uses two variables to change the wave height and number of waves. There is also a scaling transition for the group containing the balloon which gives the impression that the balloon is moving nearer.

In the Curve Transaction section of the Animator,the settings are as follows: